Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Night World : Dark Angel Chapter 15

Melusine was watching her. â€Å"You're strong. I think you can do it, daughter of Hellewise.† â€Å"I'm not strong. I'm scared.† â€Å"I think it may be possible to be both,† Melusine said wryly. â€Å"But, Gillian? If you do get through it, please come back. I want to talk to you about some things. About the Night World-and about something called Circle Daybreak.† The way she said it alarmed Gillian. â€Å"Is it important?† â€Å"It could be very important to you, a witch with human ancestors and surrounded by humans.† â€Å"Okay. I'll come back-if.† Gillian glanced once around the shop. Maybe there was some sort of talisman or something she should take†¦ But she knew she was just stalling. If there were anything helpful, Melusine would have already given it to her. There was nothing left to do now but go. â€Å"Good luck,† Melusine said, and Gillian marched to the door. Not that she had any particular idea where she was going. She was almost at the creaky front door of the Five and Ten when she heard Melusine calling. â€Å"I forgot to mention one thing. Whoever your ‘Angel' was, he was probably from this general area. Earthbound spirits usually hang around the place they died. Although that's probably not much help.† Gillian stood still, blinking. â€Å"No †¦ no, it w helpful. It's great. It's given me an idea.† She turned and went through the door without really seeing it, stepped out into the square without really hearing the piped-in Christmas music. At least I've got a place to go now, she thought. She drove south, back toward Somerset, then took a winding road eastward into the hills. As she rounded a gentle curve she saw the cemetery spread out beneath her. It was a very old graveyard, but still popular. Steeped in tradition, but with plenty of room. Grandpa Trevor was buried in the newer section, but there were ancient tombstones on the wooded hill. If she had a chance of finding Angel, it might be here. The only way to the older section was up a wooden staircase held in place by railway ties. Gillian climbed it cautiously, holding the handrail. Then she stood at the top and looked around, trying not to shiver. She was among tall sycamores and oaks which seemed to stretch black bony fingers in every direction. The sun was falling lower in the sky and long shadows tinged with lavender were reaching out from the trees. Gillian braced herself. And then, as loudly as she could, she yelled. â€Å"Come on, you! You know what I want!† Silence. Gillian refused to feel foolish. Gloved hands tucked under her arms, she shouted into the stillness. â€Å"I know you can hear me! I know you're out there! The question is, are you in here?† She kicked a foot toward a snow-covered sandstone marker. Because of course there was nothing she could do here on her own. The only way to get the information she needed, about who Angel had been in his earthly life and what he'd done or left undone, was from Angel himself. Nobody else could tell her. â€Å"Is this you?† Gillian scraped snow from a granite gravestone and read the words. † ‘Thomas Ewing, 1775, Who bled and Dyed for Liberty.' Were you Thomas Ewing?† The ice-coated twigs of the tree above her clashed together in the rising wind. It made a sound like a crystal chandelier. â€Å"No, he sounds too brave. And you're obviously just a coward.† She scraped some other stones. â€Å"Hey, maybe you were William Case. ‘Cut down in the flower of Youth by falling from the Stagecoach.' That sounds more like you. Were you William Case?† (Are you all finished singing?) Gillian froze. (Because I've got one for you.) The voice in her head began to sing raucously. Eerily. (The Pha-a-antom of the Opera is here, inside your mind†¦) â€Å"Oh, come on, Angel. You can do better than that. And why aren't you letting me see you? Too scared to meet me face to face?† A light shimmered over the snow-a beautiful pale golden light that rippled like silk. It grew, it took on a shape. And then Angel was standing there. Not floating. His feet actually seemed to touch the snow. He looked-terrific. Haunting and beautiful in the gathering twilight. But his beauty was only frightening now. Gillian knew what was underneath it. â€Å"Hi there,† she almost whispered. â€Å"I guess you know what I'm here to talk about.† â€Å"Don't know and don't care. Should you be out here alone, anyway? Does anybody know where you are?† Gillian positioned herself in front of him. She looked directly into eyes that were as violet and darkly luminous as the sky. â€Å"I know what you are,† she said, holding those eyes, giving every word equal weight. â€Å"Not an angel. Not a devil. You're just a person. Just like me.† â€Å"Wrong.† â€Å"You've got the same feelings as any other person. And you can't be happy being where you are. Nobody could. You can't want to be stuck there. If I were dead, I'd hate it.† The last words came out with a force that surprised even Gillian. Angel looked away. An advantage. Gillian leapt in. â€Å"Hate it,† she repeated. â€Å"Just hanging around, getting stagnant, watching other people living their lives. Being nothing, doing nothing-unless it's to make a little trouble for people on earth. What kind of a life is tha-† She broke off, realizing her mistake. He was grinning maliciously, recovering. â€Å"No life!† â€Å"All right, what kind of existence, then,† Gillian said coldly. â€Å"You know what I mean. It stinks. Angel. It's putrid. It's disgusting.† A spasm crossed Angel's face. He whirled away from her. And for the first time since Gillian had seen him, she saw agitation in him. He was actually pacing, moving like a caged animal. And his hair-it seemed to be ruffled by some unseen wind. Gillian pressed her advantage. â€Å"It's about as good as being under there.† She kicked at the dead weeds over a grave. He whirled back, and his eyes were unnaturally bright. â€Å"But I am under there, Gillian.† For a moment, her skin prickled so that she couldn't speak. She had to force herself to say steadily, â€Å"Under that one?† â€Å"No. But I'll show you where. Would you like that?† He made a grand gesture, inviting her down the stairs. Gillian hesitated, then went, knowing he was behind her. Her heart was pumping wildly. This was almost like a physical contest between them-a contest to see who could upset the other more. But she had to do it. She had to make a connection with him. To reach into his anger and frustration and despair and somehow drag answers out of it. And it was a contest. A contest of wills. Who could shout louder, who could be more merciless. Who could hold on. The prize was Angel's soul. She nearly tripped at the bottom of the stairs. It was too dark to see her footing. She noticed, almost absently, that it was getting very cold. Something like an icy wind went past her-and there was light in front of her. Angel was walking there, not leaving any footprints in the snow. Gillian staggered after him. They were heading for the newer section of the cemetery. Past it. Into the very new section. â€Å"Here.† Angel said. He turned. His eyes were glittering. He was standing behind a gravestone and his own light illuminated it. Chills washed over Gillian. This was what she had asked for, it was exactly what she had asked for. But it still made the hair on her neck stand on end. He was under here. Right here. Beneath the ground. The body of the person she'd loved and trusted†¦ whose voice had been the last thing she'd heard at night and the first thing each morning. He was under here in some kind of box, unless maybe that had rotted. And he wasn't smiling and golden-haired and handsome. And she was going to find out his name from a stone. â€Å"I'm here, Gillian,† Angel said ghoulishly, leaning over the granite marker, resting his elbows on it. â€Å"Come up and say hello.† He was smiling, but his eyes looked as if he hated her. Wild and reckless and bitter. Capable of anything. And somehow, the sick horror that had been sweeping through Gillian disappeared. Her eyes were full, spilling over. The tears froze on her cheeks. She brushed at them absently and knelt beside the grave, not on it. She didn't look at Angel. She put her hands together for just a moment and bent her head. It was a wordless prayer to whatever Power might be out there. Then she took off her glove and gently scraped snow away from the marker with her bare hand. It was a simple granite headstone with a scrolled top. It read â€Å"In loving memory. Our son. Gary Fargeon.† â€Å"Gary Fargeon,† Gillian said softly. She looked up at the figure leaning over the stone. â€Å"Gary.† He gave a mocking laugh, but it sounded forced. â€Å"Nice to meet you. I was from Sterback; we were practically neighbors.† Gillian looked back down. The date of birth was eighteen years ago. And the date of death was the previous year. â€Å"You died last year. And you were only seventeen.† â€Å"I had a little car crash,† he said. â€Å"I was extremely drunk.† He laughed again, wildly. Gillian sat back on her heels. â€Å"Oh, really. Well, that was brilliant,† she whispered. â€Å"What's life?† He bared his teeth. † ‘Out, out, brief candle'-or something like that.† Gillian refused to be distracted. â€Å"Is that what you did?† she asked quietly. â€Å"Got yourself killed? Is that unfinished business somehow?† â€Å"Wouldn't you like to know?† he said. Okay, retreat. He wasn't ready yet. Maybe try some feminine wiles. â€Å"I just thought you trusted me-Angel. I thought we were supposed to be soulmates †¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"But by now you know we aren't, don't you? Because you found your real love-that jerk.† Gary turned up the brilliance of his smile. â€Å"But even if we're not soulmates, we are connected, you know. We're cousins. Distant, but the bond is there.† Gillian's hands fell to her sides. She stared up at him. Lights were going on in her brain, but she wasn't quite sure what they illuminated yet. The strangest thing was that she wasn't entirely surprised. â€Å"Didn't you ever wonder why we both have the same color eyes?† He stared down at her. Although everything was dark around him, his eyes were like violet flame. â€Å"I mean it isn't exactly common. Your great-grandmother Elspeth had these eyes. So did her twin brother, Emmeth.† Twins. Of course. The lost Harman babies, Melusine had said. Elspeth and Emmeth. â€Å"And you're†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He smirked. â€Å"I'm Emmeth's great-grandson.† Now Gillian could see what her mind was trying to illuminate. Her thoughts were racing. â€Å"You're a witch, too. That was why you knew how to do the spells and things. But how did you figure out what you were?† â€Å"Some idiots from Circle Daybreak came,† Gary said. â€Å"They were looking for lost witches. They'd managed to track Emmeth's descendants down. They told me enough that I understood what kind of powers I had. And then-I told them to get lost themselves.† â€Å"Why?† â€Å"They were jerks. All they care about is getting humans and Night People together. But I knew the Night World was the place for rne. Humans deserve what they get.† Gillian stood. Her fingers were getting red and swollen. She tried to pull her glove back on. â€Å"Gary, you are a human. At least part. Just like I am.† â€Å"No. We're superior to them. We're special-â€Å" â€Å"We are not special. We're no better than anyone else!† Gary was grinning unpleasantly, breathing quickly. â€Å"You're wrong there. The Night People are supposed to be hunters. There are even laws that say so.† A chill that had nothing to do with the wind went through Gillian. â€Å"Oh, really?† Then she had another thought. â€Å"Is that why you made me go to that club? So they could hunt me?† â€Å"No, you idiot!† Gary's eyes flashed. â€Å"I told you-you're one of them. I just wanted you to realize that. You could have stayed, been part of them-â€Å" â€Å"But why?† â€Å"So you would be like me!† The wind was gusting wildly again. Frozen tree branches creaked like creatures in pain. â€Å"But why?† â€Å"So you could come be with me. So we could be together. Forever. If you joined them, you wouldn't have gone on to the Other Side-â€Å" â€Å"When I died! You wanted me dead.† Gary looked confused. â€Å"That was just at first-† Gillian was angry now. Yelling. â€Å"You planned the whole thing! You lured me. Didn't you? Didn't you? That crying I heard in the woods-that was you, wasn't it?† â€Å"Everything you did was designed to kill me! Just so you'd have company!† â€Å"I was lonely!† The words seemed to hang and echo. Then Gary's eyes darkened and he turned away. â€Å"I was so lonely,† he said again, and there was something so hopeless in his voice that Gillian stepped toward him. â€Å"Anyway, I didn't do it,† he said over his shoulder. â€Å"I changed my mind. I thought I could come live with you here-â€Å" â€Å"By killing David and taking his body. Yeah. Great plan.† He didn't move. Helplessly, Gillian reached out a hand. It passed right through his shoulder. She looked at the hand, then said quietly, â€Å"Gary, tell me what you did. What the unfinished business is.† â€Å"So you can try to send me on.† â€Å"Yes.† â€Å"But what if I don't want to go on?† â€Å"You have to!† Gillian clenched her teeth. â€Å"You don't belong here, Gary! This isn't your place anymore! And there's nothing you can do here, except†¦ except evil.† She stopped, breathing hard. He turned, and she saw the wild look again. â€Å"Maybe that's what I like to- do.† â€Å"You don't understand. I'm not going to let you. I'm not going to stop or give up. I'll do whatever it takes to make you move on.† â€Å"But maybe you won't have the chance.† A blast of wind. And something else. Stinging granules that struck Gillian's face like tiny needles. â€Å"What if there's a blizzard tonight?† â€Å"Gary, stop it!† The gale buffeted her. â€Å"A freak storm. Something nobody expected.† â€Å"Gary†¦Ã¢â‚¬  It was very dark-the moon and stars had been blotted out. But Gillian could see a driving, swirling whiteness. Her teeth were chattering and her face was numb. â€Å"And what if Amy's car won't start? If something went wrong with the engine †¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Don't do this! Gary!† She couldn't see him now. His light was gone, swallowed in the storm. Snow slashed her face. â€Å"Nobody knows where you are, do they? That wasn't very smart, dragonfly. Maybe you need somebody to look after you, after all.† Gillian gasped, open-mouthed, for breath. She tried to take a step and the wind thrust her against something hard. A tombstone. This was what she'd been afraid of. That her angel would turn against her, try to destroy her. But now that it was happening, she found that she knew what to do. Gary's voice came out of the gale. â€Å"What if I just go away and leave you for a little while?† Gillian's eyes were watering, the tears freezing on her lashes. It was hard to get a breath. But she gathered herself, hanging on to the tombstone, and yelled. â€Å"You won't! You know you won't-â€Å" â€Å"How can I know?† She answered with a question, shouting over the wind. â€Å"Why didn't you kill David?† Her only answer was the howling gale. Gillian's sight was dimming. The cold hurt. She tried to ding on to the tombstone, but her hands were numb. â€Å"You couldn't do it, Gary! You couldn't kill someone! When it came right down to it, you couldn't! And that's how I know.† She waited. At first she thought that she'd been wrong. That he'd left her alone in the storm. Then she realized the wind was dying. The curtains of snow were thinning. Stopping. A light formed in the empty air. Angel-no, Gary-was standing there. She could see him clearly. She could even see what was in his eyes. Bitterness. Anger. But something like a plea, too. â€Å"But I did, Gillian. That's exactly what I did. I killed someone.† Gillian took a breath that started out quick and ended long. Oh. Oh †¦ that was bad. But there might have been some justification. A fight. Self-defense. She said quietly, â€Å"Who?† â€Å"Can't you guess? Paula Belizer.†

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Poultry Rearing. Essay

A prospective poultry producer is expected to furnish and maintain the best possible housing, equipment and daily management to assure maximum performance. Marketing needs may change your types of production such as sizes of the birds. The industry produces small birds for Cornish hens, very large birds for deboning and all sizes in between. Cooperation by the companies and poultry producers will help both be successful. Below are some facts that may help you decide if poultry farming is for you. Poultry Houses 1. A contract to grow poultry must be made with a poultry company before building any poultry houses. . Property should be located where access to the complex facilities – feed mill, processing plant, hatchery etc. – is relatively easy. 3. Poultry houses must conform to industry standards and may vary from company to company. 4. Poultry house equipment must conform to industry standards and may vary as well. 5. Poultry house locations are regulated by the S. C. D HEC 6. The areas around the poultry buildings must be able to accommodate feed trucks, catch and haul equipment and other traffic. 7. Size and number of houses will be decided upon with the poultry company before any construction. . If you are considering purchasing an existing poultry operation, the company that you will be growing for needs to visit the property along with you to determine if it is suitable for growing birds. At this time, building improvements and extra equipment can be discussed. Finances 1. The lending agency that you decide to use will help you with the financial arrangement. 2. Levels of income from the proposed poultry operation need to be reviewed with company personnel. Study the contracts carefully. You cannot plan on getting average pay on the contact each flock. You should plan to have reserves to cover your expenses in the case of low pay periods and longer times due to market conditions etc. There is no set amount of income you can expect to receive? however, the financial swings in poultry are less than other commodities. 3. Enough insurance to cover the cost of buildings and loss of income following a disaster – storm, ice etc. is a must. It should be reviewed annually to determine that the farm is adequately covered. 4. Money management and cash flow are very important as well as a good financial record keeping system for the poultry operation. Other Considerations . Your poultry company will have a management program that all growers are expected to follow. Your field representative will work closely with you on what is expected and the best ways to produce a quality product. You need to discuss the time required to manage your houses so that you may plan for labor needs. 2. Keep your buildings and equipment properly maintained and in top working order. Preventative maintenance is a daily job. More maintenance is required on an older house and equipment. 3. Always be ready in advance for bird arrival. Your field representative will work with you to prepare your houses. The first few days are critical to good performance. 4. The house must be at the proper temperature (to program specifications), feed and water ready and environmental controls working properly. 5. Be prepared to spend considerable time with your flock, especially during the first few days, to assure proper environment and husbandry. 6. Keep good flock records—mortality, feed deliveries, vaccinations, etc. 7. Collect and dispose of dead birds daily, along with monitoring feed, water and air. Good housekeeping is vital to success. 8. Your main job is to manage the flock throughout the production period. Report problems to your field representative immediately. 9. Be aware that the size of the birds produced and time between batches may vary according to market demand. 10. Vacation needs to be scheduled around flocks. 11. Be vigilant in your biosecurity. Allow only authorized personnel on the farm, avoid going to other farms yourself and avoid contact with all other forms of poultry. Critical Management Factors 1. Temperature – Should be kept at optimum level regardless of age of birds or season. Your system should be able to respond to changing weather conditions night and day. 2. Ventilation – replaces oxygen used by birds, removes moisture and ammonia and must continually be monitored. 3. Feed and water – Keep plentiful and clean according to production program. 4. Husbandry – study the flock daily for signs of discomfort, disease, proper feed and water consumption. With experience, you should be able to look at the birds and determine if they have a problem. 5. Understand that you are working with a live animal that may have special needs. 6. Culling chickens is a key part of the job. Outside the House 1. Disposal of dead birds must be done according to state regulations. Your field manager will recommend proper methods. 2. Depending on the size of your operation, you may need additional equipment. 3. Keep a supply of spare parts for inhouse equipment, so that problems can be solved quickly. 4. No run off water should be able to get into the house. Keep drainage around the houses open and operable. 5. All access roads need to be in good shape with easy access to feed bins and poultry houses. 6. Weeds and grass need to be mowed around the house and farm to reduce rodent and other problems. 7. Understand environmental challenges created by poultry operations such as dust, smell, nutrient management, etc. . No chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides or medications should be used in or around poultry houses without approval by company. Conclusion The suggestions listed above may not fit all situations and company programs. Work closely with your field representatives to conform to company policy and assure success in your operation. Â · It is rec ommended that you work in a poultry operation before getting into the business. Â · Understand that this is a long term decision. Â · This list may not necessarily reflect what will happen on every farm.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Information Essay Middle School Websites

The Canon McMillan School District Middle School has a very informative website for parents and students. The News & Information section contains topics such as: McTeacher Night, School-Home Communication, Smoking Prevention, On Demand Homework Help, and Library/Media Center Website. Contact information for the administration and teachers can be found with pictures of key staff. There are links to the student handbook, cafe, principal corner and calendar. The Teachers Webpages will connect you to your student’s academic team.The News & Information section is cumulative; you can find current activities as well as information that were posted in the fall. Each topic provides a brief description with some having a link to more information. The link to the Library/Media Center has book reviews, book club updates, and special reports on library activities. Those that do not have a link provide bullet points or a brief factoid. The links on the left side of the website cover topics from the student handbook to the music department.The calendar has dates underscored that have specific school activities associated with them. The student resource section includes opportunities for students to get more involved in extra activities. The link for staff will provide you with contact information and the subject they teach. The Teachers Webpages sections will take you to your student’s assigned academic team. There are pictures of the facility so you can put a face to the name. When you click on the picture you are taken to information specific to that team.On the right side of the page are links to the textbooks used in each subject. The Canon McMillan Middle School website offers parents and students the opportunity to stay connected with the academic process. In addition to the Middle School specific information there are links to district information such as the school board and employment. The Parents Links connects you to PowerSchool, My Lunch Money and ot her tools for parents to access financial resources. With the school district going green the website provides the information for a well-rounded middle school experience.

The news' topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

The news' topic - Essay Example This statement followed Kremlin’s ordering of its combat aircraft around Ukraine to be on high alert (Oliphant par. 4). An eye witness stated that inside parliament were about 60 people who were heavily armed (Oliphant par. 5). Another witness stated that parliament’s door was blockaded using chairs and tables from the inside to the extent that no one could enter the building. So far, no one has been reported to have been injured following the incident. Crimea, unlike other parts of Ukraine, has ethnic Russians forming the majority of the population. The seizure of the capital has come at a time when Ukraine’s new leaders were voicing their concerns over the possible cessation of the region from Ukraine. It has also come at a time when some ethnic Russians living in the region have been calling on Vladimir Putin, the Russian President, to reclaim the territory from Ukraine. The territory had been given to Soviet Ukraine in 1954 by Nikita Khrushchev. Meanwhile, the U.S. has been quick to warn that military intervention by the Russian military against Ukraine will be a gross move. Oliphant, Roland. Ukraine crisis: Russian flag raised in Crimea as gunmen storm parliament. The Telegraph. 27 Feb 2014. Web.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Experiences with People of Other Cultures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Experiences with People of Other Cultures - Essay Example I have traveled to different parts of the globe because I want to experience as many cultures as I possibly can. I believe that we can all learn from other cultures because everyone has different values and beliefs. Learning about someone else’s culture not only develops my understanding for their culture, but it also helps to develop my own. This is because I can use another culture and compare it to my own, thus critically examining all the strengths and weaknesses of it. My experiences with other cultures will help me to work with a diverse student population because I already feel comfortable working with students from different cultural backgrounds. I believe that every student should be treated fairly and not discriminated against because of their culture or race, which is something that they have no control over whatsoever. Promoting equality among students also helps to improve the overall learning environment in the classroom because it gives students of minority ethnic groups the chance to thrive. I understand that some people feel uncomfortable learning alongside students of other cultures, but it will be my responsibility to promote fairness and understanding among all students. This way, they will learn to respect each other no matter where they come from. One useful idea is to allow one student of each culture in the class to have a turn each week standing in front of the class and teaching the rest of the students about their own culture. This will break down cultural barriers.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Marketing & Entrepreneurship What makes entrepreneurs successful Is it Essay

Marketing & Entrepreneurship What makes entrepreneurs successful Is it skill or luck - Essay Example In this paper, the researcher will use example of Sir Alan Sugar who is not only the founder of consumer electronics giant Amstrad but also the example for entrepreneurs across the world. Sir Alan Sugar established the company at the age of 21 when majority of his classmates were learning in the colleges in order to get job. Before retiring from the organization, Sir Alan Sugar transformed Amstrad from start up venture into electronics giant which is synonymous with innovation, value for money offering and customer loyalty. Was Sir Alan Sugar a magician who is blessed with sheer amount of luck or Sir Alan Sugar was a hardworking individual who used skill and intuition to build the Amstrad Empire? At this point, the essay is not mature enough to answer the question but it is expected that at the end of this essay, the answer will be revealed. One has to understand theoretical underpinning of entrepreneurship before answering the above question whether luck is important or not in makin g an entrepreneur successful. Hence, in the next section, the researcher will try to figure out pertinent variables that affect the success of an entrepreneur. Modern research scholars such as Coulter (2001) and Kirby (2004) defined entrepreneurship as the process with which a particular individual or set of individuals try to fulfil their objectives by creating value for people in the society. Nixon (2004) and Van Praag and Cramer (2001) argued that it is not necessary for entrepreneurs to create value for society rather it is more important for an individual to fulfil existing needs through innovation and unique offer in order to classify as entrepreneur. It is understandable, why management scholars tried to identify the role of luck for an entrepreneur, because giving importance on luck factor will probably disregard the importance of management skill in developing a successful enterprise. Research scholars such as Kaplan and Schoar (2005) and Hochberg, Ljungqvist, and Lu (2006) nullified the importance of luck in helping an entrepreneur to become successful. These research scholars have given examples of successful enterprises that are funded by more experienced venture capitalists in comparison to enterprises that failed due to inexperience of venture capitalists. Hochberg, Ljungqvist, and Lu (2006) strongly argued that a more experienced and skilled entrepreneur has more probability to succeed in comparison to a novice entrepreneur. Eesley and Roberts (2006) raised question over role of luck in helping an entrepreneur to succeed in a competitive environment. According to them, people often mistakenly identify the skill, experience and strategic intelligence of the entrepreneurs as the sheer amount of luck. Eesley and Roberts (2006a and 2006b) amusingly pointed out that there is no such thing as luck for an entrepreneur because an entrepreneur can move ahead in business by understanding the market need and fulfilling the need of customers by offering them value. Research scholars such as Eesley and Roberts (2006a) and Kaplan and Stromberg (2003) found that successful entrepreneurs are those who do not stop estab lishing new enterprises after failure in the previous start-ups. It is evident from the research works of previous research scholars that luck plays very little role in helping an entrepreneur to establish successful enterprises. In such context, Chatterji (2005) showed that experience in working in a particular

Friday, July 26, 2019

How Far Garlands Theories Can Be Applied in the Contemporary Criminal Research Paper

How Far Garlands Theories Can Be Applied in the Contemporary Criminal Context - Research Paper Example The objective of the paper is to assess how far Garland’s theories can be applied in the contemporary criminal context, specifically in sentencing. At the outset, the essay will describe the two responses, i.e, adaptation and denial, proposed by Garland. Two newspaper articles dealing with Government reforms on sentencing guidelines will be assessed to determine whether they are examples of adaptation or denial. Contextual factors that lead to such a response will also be analyzed so that the extent of applicability of Garland’s views can be determined. According to Garland, in earlier years, the criminal justice system had assumed a hybrid penal welfare structure, combining due process and proportionate punishment with a decisive thrust in the correctional direction, favoring rehabilitation, welfare and criminological expertise. (Garland, 2001: 27). Developments in correctional policies demonstrated a commitment to community-based solutions, with a focus on the rehabilitation of offenders and the tailoring of individual penal sentences framed in accordance with the characteristics and needs of the offenders. This approach exemplifies a pragmatic and adaptive Government response to crime, characterized by (a) the State role as a facilitator rather than controller of criminal policy (b) focus on the consequences rather than causes of crime (c) participation of non-State actors in prevention of crime (d) viewing crime prospectively, i.e, institution of crime prevention measures (Garland, 1996).

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Roles of Estrogen in Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Roles of Estrogen in Development - Essay Example Most species with two sexes exhibit sexually dimorphic behavior and physical characteristics. New research suggests that the presence of estrogen, specifically estradiol, has an active role in sexual differentiation. Several sexual dimorphic structures in the brain have been observed in laboratory experiments. This study had been performed using male and female rats and had proved the differences in size of corpus callosum between two sexes had existed facilitated by estrogen. Estrogen plays an important role in male reproduction, critical for sustained fertility in some species. Reducing estrogen's interaction with its receptor(s) in monkey and mouse models is associated with reduced sperm motility and, in some cases, documented elimination of sperm fertilizing ability, suggesting that normal epididymal function may be estrogen dependent. The objective of the experiments was to evaluate the effects of reduced endogenous estrogen on development of epididymal function in the pig, a species in which males have very high levels of endogenous estrogen. Furthermore, reducing endogenous estrogen during postnatal development appears to have transient effects on porcine epididymal function. These transient effects suggest that the pig, with its high endogenous estrogen, may respond differently than other species to reduced estrogen synthesis (McCarthy, et al). This particular study provides a viable claim of estrogens importance on development of reproductive sys tem particularly in male specie. The development of the positive feedback of estrogen in normally fed animals and its possible alterations in animals subjected to restricted food intake has been the focus of another study and had indicated that the gonadotropin response to estrogen positive feedback develops gradually and quantitatively as the animal matures and undernutrition-induced delayed puberty is not caused by inability of the hypothalamic-pituitary unit to respond to positive estrogen feedback, but rather to ovarian failure to release estrogen in amounts sufficient to trigger a gonadotropin surge (Ronnekleiv, et al). Another study had determined whether endogenous estrogen, the levels of which increase with advancing pregnancy, regulates growth and development of the baboon fetal adrenal cortex. In the end it propose that estrogen acts directly on the fetal adrenal cortex to selectively repress the morphological and functional development of the fetal zone, potentially as a feedback system to maintain physio logical secretion of estrogen precursors and thus placental estrogen production to promote normal primate fetal and placental development (Albretch, et al). Despite the estrogens' significance on development, some studies apparently speak of its contribution to developmental errors. Evidences have accumulated that exposure to environmental components with estrogenic activity causes reproductive disorders in human populations. Studies conducted over the past 50 years have clearly shown a continual decline in semen quality accompanied by an increase in male reproductive disorders during this period in industrial countries. As healthy gametes are a prerequisite for healthy children, such disorders are a significant problem not only for the current society, but also for future generations. Epidemiological, clinical, and experimental studies have suggested that excessive exposure to estrogens and xenoestrogens during fetal and neonatal

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Pros and cons of caffeinne Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pros and cons of caffeinne - Essay Example Research has shown that caffeine improves memory and decreases fatigue while improving mental and athletic performance (Doheny, 2006). Caffeine increases athletic stamina by enhancing glycogen, the body’s energy storage system, and mobilizes fat cells which allow the body to burn fuel more efficiently thus promoting endurance. Caffeine diminishes perceived effort while exercising. This has the psychological effect of increasing the degree of effort during exercise which burns additional calories (Gruenemay, 2006). This chemical action also suppresses appetite which leads to weight loss. Morning coffee drinkers know that caffeine increases alertness. It does this by stimulating brain activity. Caffeine is an addictive drug causing a dependence which leads to withdraw symptoms when discontinued (Doheny, 2006). Though caffeine increases energy, the dehydration that accompanies makes exercise especially unhealthy. Caffeine, a natural diuretic, relieves constipation by encouraging the intestine to contract which causes diarrhea and cramping. When over-used, all stimulants including caffeine can cause  insomnia, irritability and ‘the shakes.’ The weight loss associated with stimulants is offset by cream added to coffee or tea. Caffeine has been shown to initiate heart palpitations and should be strictly avoided if the user is at risk of heart disease or if the user is taking any prescription drug (Gruenemay, 2006).   Moderate amounts of caffeine will not cause heart disease, cancer or birth defects according to evidence compiled by the American Dietetic Association. Moderation is the key to enjoying products that contain caffeine without suffering ill effects but the operative word is moderation (â€Å"The Pros and Cons of Caffeine†,

Ripe Figs Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ripe Figs - Research Paper Example Although she had to wait only for a few months, she would go into the garden to see how ripe the figs were, to know how much time was left for her to go down the Bayou-Lafourche. The narrator called her â€Å"as restless as a humming-bird†, dancing out to the fig trees to know the condition of the figs. When she would see them ripening, this would â€Å"made her sing and dance the whole long day†. This showed that Babette felt as if she would speed up the natural process of ripening of the figs, by checking out everyday how they were. And every day, she would come back â€Å"disconsolate†, which means that she would feel frustrated enough when she would see that the figs were ripening very slowly. When Maman Nainaine told her that the fips were ripening fast, she said, â€Å"I think they have ripened very late† (400). Her impatience had made her feel that she had waited very long for the figs to get ripened. So, we see that Babette had the weak point of im patience, which made her feel as if time was moving slowly for her. In contrast, Maman Nainaine had a very patient personality. She was practical enough to know that figs take ample time to get ripened. She had told her god-child to wait to go to her cousins, till the figs get ripened. She was in no hurry, which depicted her calm personality. She wanted to make things go according to her wishes. She patiently waited for the ripening of the figs, when Babette would go down to the fig trees every day. In contrast to Babette’s personality, the narrator has called her â€Å"as patient as the statue of la Madone†. This comparison gave a saintly touch to her personality. For her, time had move very fast, like when she said, â€Å"how early the figs have ripened this year!† This was because she was waiting for nature to complete its natural course of action. Hence, we see that

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Transnational Media and Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Transnational Media and Globalization - Essay Example In the process cultural diversity becomes a victim though the extent to which TMCs can be held responsible for these development depends on a number of endogenous and exogenous factors such the ever increasing influence of TMCs due to their rising revenues and involvement in foreign countries. On the other hand how best local communities are able to resist these extraneous influences on their cultures is not particularly amenable to a particular interpretation. In the process theoretical and conceptual frameworks of analysis are used to develop contingency models of behavioral impact arising from activities of TMCs and their behemoth-like approach to societal transformation. A critical analysis of the activities of a broader cross section of the key global media corporations would demonstrate the extent and the nature of their influence on local cultures other variables remaining constant. It's in this extended context that an element of threat to these native cultures is seen in their global role. 1. Analysis1.1. Overview Neo-liberal ideology has persistently been advocating globalization as the sole solution to all economic problems and the underlying political agenda in this ideological approach is obviously mind-gobbling. TMCs have been in the forefront of this propaganda campaign that supports integration of societies into the global system at each level. However it's not so much the intention of TMCs that has been questioned but its emphasis on a particular practical approach to globalization, viz. the world culture theory. According to this theory globalization is "the compression of the world and the intensification of consciousness of the world as a whole" (Robertson, 1992). In fact those elements in the whole system or consciousness are assumed not to question the motive behind globalization. In other words 'the end justifies the means' approach to globalization and the subsequent TMCs' actions are inseparably interconnected.The current literature on the subject of TMCs' role in cultural tra nsformation of societies has been intensely focused on the world culture theory of globalization. Analysts and researchers have identified the extent and the manner of TMCs' involvement in these efforts. The threat perception of TMCs' actions has been interpreted in this context as the ultimate outcome of an otherwise elusive set of nuances associated with subterfuge. Communication is part and parcel of the whole culture centric theory of transformation in the globalization process. This is all the more subtle in the third world society context because these societies or polities have much less power to resist TMCs' attempts at integration or transformation. Global culture thus becomes a vehicle for unity.The evolutionary process of

Monday, July 22, 2019

Heraclites V. Parmenides Essay Example for Free

Heraclites V. Parmenides Essay Philosophy serves one purpose, bringing order to reason. This, on so many levels can organize ones way of thinking into a structured manner; therefore rendering it much easier for one to conclude solid conclusions, thereby avoiding error. There have been many independent streams of philosophy from several different parts of the world, such as China, and India. But the most popular school of thought that has created the most impact on the United States, without a doubt would have to be the ancient Greeks (who by the way started philosophy in a fashion of independent religion). Skipping straight ahead to two of philosophies great philosophers: Heraclitus (540-480 B. C), and one of the most miss-understood, Parmenides (515-440 B. C. ). These two philosophers took philosophy to a new level; from trying to understand our changing world, to trying to understand change itself. If the search for a fundamental substance was to ever progress, it would have to face the inevitable problem of change. In other words, what remains the same when everything else changes of a particular thing? Change appears to be a fundamental character in nature/life. Our experiences tell us that things are definitely in motion (moving) and changing (becoming different) every moment of every day. But however, the question still arrives, what remains the same throughout this process? The two key solutions (in my opinion one) comes from these two well thought philosophers. Like I said, only one has a solid conclusion in which I agree. Parmenides spoke deeply when he said, being is; and non-being, is not. Parmenides base philosophy was that change was simply an illusion. It was perfectly clear to him that the world appeared to be in a constant state of flux; more so though he believed that our senses deceived us. The fundamental substance is being. And in order to reconcile the perpetual change he perceived with his senses; he reasoned that nothing comes from nothing, and that all existing comes from something pre-existing. Parmenides took for granted that the world had always existed, therefore, being must have always existed, and ultimately will always exist. Being is an eternal state he said. Now comes Heraclitus with the philosophy that everything changes, and nothing stays the same. Diametrically opposed to that of which Parmenides stands for. Heraclitus firmly believed in his assumption that everything changed. He believed becoming was the root to all things. And one of his famous phrases was, one never steps into the same river twice. What he meant by this was, when a person interrupts the current of the river in any way form or fashion, he/she has changed the river from what it was to what it is. Even without interrupting the river and plainly observing the flow on can witness the change. And this can be applied to every day life on all levels. He states that if the consequences of a perpetually changing foundation into existence are profound, and the fundamental elements are inconsistent and unstable, how can there be any laws to govern them? This preference for consistent change led Heraclitus to his theory of fire being the basic element of all things, due to its consistent change in nature and its dynamics. When interpreting Heraclitus I see him as saying, since we know from our own experiences that change happens, this is no illusion by far, because one can physically experience the change. Heraclitus also points to his theory of fire, due to the fact that in so many words theres such an abundance supply of it in nature its the basic element for all things. I disagree with him. His views are flawless by far and one can still argue his points today. Parmenides on the other hand grasps my attention and holds so much stronger with solid conclusions, so much so that one can only think. Parmenides says, One can only think of what already exists, and can come into existence from the pre-existing. He argues that no one, and I quote, no one can speak on or even think about what does not exist or even come into existence from nothing. This is because nothing is simply that, nothing, and how can one truly make something out of nothing. For this reason is why I side with Parmenides on this topic.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Effects of Psychological Contract on the Work-Life Balance

Effects of Psychological Contract on the Work-Life Balance A contemporary analysis of the concept of work life balance and the effects of the psychological contract within the business Aimed towards Retail Terms of Reference To define, explore and critically analyse the extent to which contracted work in the retail business is affected by psychological contract theory Establish from primary and secondary sources the factors which impact on the work life balance for employees, and if any policies and practices are effective. Examine the various ideas from the literature around organisational culture and the psychological contract, in order to determine how Toys R Us fits with these definitions. To draw conclusions around the extent to which Toys R Us has managed to achieve a suitable work life balance for all of their employees without the use of a psychological contract; and to examine possible future changes/ recommendations which could be implemented to create said contract. Literature Review The journal Management Research News (2007) provides a useful starting point, as it looks to review the literature around the psychological contract in order to help develop an understanding around the various unique agreements and the work environment that underlies modern working. As such, the paper is a conceptual paper, and its main aim is to categorise the existing knowledge around the psychological contract in the workplace, as well as to provide practical direction for future research. The results of this investigation indicated that the context of the psychological contract must be reconsidered, due to the nature of the flexible modern working environment where jobs are not always seen as being long term commitments. As such, it is important to consider the impact of organisational justice, rather than looking at potential relationship development (Management Research News, 2007). This is particularly relevant for retail organisations such as Toys R Us, where a large number o f their staff may be students or other short term casual workers. Unfortunately, there has been little research into the levels of job security felt by temporary employees and contract employees, and how this impacts on any psychological contract which may exist. This is addressed to some extent by De Cuyper and De Witte (2006), who examined how perceptions of job security, as well as job satisfaction and organisational commitment, varied from permanent employees to temporary ones. This research was based on the claims of psychological contract theory, which holds that a lack of job security only arises if the psychological contract is violated, and that permanent employees tend to feel stronger psychological contracts that temporary and contracted workers. Their results support this argument, showing that the temporary staff tended not to create strong psychological contracts with their employers, and hence their perceptions of job security did not impact on their overall performance. In contrast, for permanent employees job security was a key pre dictor of both job satisfaction and organisational commitment, indicating that the psychological contract is of greater concern for permanent staff (De Cuyper and De Witte, 2006). Indeed, George (2003) found that the use of temporary and contract workers in an organisation could actually harm the psychological contract which existed between the permanent workforce and the organisation. These finding are based on a detailed study of 256 permanent employees across three organisations, and showed that the extent to which contracting and temporary workers were used, combined with the duration of their use, had negative impacts on permanent employees’ trust in the organisation, as well as the psychological contract with the organisation. These results are explained by the fact that permanent workers see the increased use of temporary and contract staff as indicating that their organisations do not have a strong commitment to their permanent employees. As such, permanent employees begin to see themselves as being less attached to the organisation. The grounded theory approach taken by George (2003) indicates that this is consistent with theoretical prediction s that the use of contract staff acts as a violation of the psychological contract for permanent staff, since contracting makes it harder to permanent workers to advance in the organisation. As such, when attempting to manage this, organisations should look to show strong levels of commitment towards their permanent employees, as this will help counter the perceived violations from the use of contracted staff. Whilst George (2003) claims that this can be achieved through making permanent employees supervisors and trainers of other employees, there is little empirical data to support this, hence it is not clear if this would be a valid method for countering the negative impacts of contracting. Another useful empirical study in this area comes from Ellis (2007) who used the theory of psychological contracting to develop a framework exploring employee reactions to the various promises and contract violations they received from their employer. This is based on the hypothesis that an employee’s status within the organisation may affect their perceptions of promises and contract violations, but this will depend on what the promise is about. This hypothesis was tested using a survey of 163 full time employees working for 25 different organizations. The results supported the hypothesis, showing that supervisory and managerial employees placed more value on promises and violations that their manual labouring counterparts. This indicates that, not only will contracted employees have a less significant psychological contract but, in industries where contracted workers are often used for manual labour, this effect will be pronounced by the lower value manual workers assign to organisational promises and violations (Ellis, 2007). When considering the work life balance, Watson (2001) discusses a lecture given by Ewart Wooldridge, the director of the Civil Service College, who claims that many employees are now moving towards a more flexible approach to work. This is in contrast to prior situations, in which work tended to be the dominant feature in many workers’ lives. This is claimed to be largely due to factors such as recession; the reduction in the power of the trade unions; and the rise of a new psychological contract, which is focused on individual employees more than on organisations. As such, Watson (2001) claims that employees will tend to offer less loyalty to their existing employer, whilst attempting to improve their overall employability in an attempt to find a better job with another employer. Whilst they will continue provide their current employer with effective results during this period, they will be less likely to fully commit themselves to their employer. As such, unless their employ er promotes the work life balance they require, there is a chance that the employee will lose faith in the organisation, reducing their effort and hastening their departure (Watson, 2001). However, it should be noted that Watson’s (2001) article is entirely based on theoretical arguments, with not empirical backing. This may reduce its relevance and validity to all situations. In contrast, Conway and Monks (2008) exploration of the relationship between HR practices and employee commitment is based on a case study analysis of three health service organisations in the Republic of Ireland. This research examines how employees perceive HR practices such as work life balance, and how these perceptions affect employee level commitment and perceptions of the psychological contract. These findings indicate that there is a disparity between the HR practices which are valued most highly by employees, and the practices detailed in the HR literature and those which are practiced by organisations. This indicates that organisations need to consider the basic factors underlying the employment relationship and the psychological contract, rather than simply introducing the latest HR practices (Conway and Monks, 2008). However, this research is somewhat limited by the fact that it is only based on one industry, and includes just three organisations. Sturges and Guest (2004) conducted a much larger survey into the factors which affected the perceptions of the work life balance amongst new graduates who had recently started working. They found that the main factors affecting perceptions were conflicts between work and non-work priorities; the number of hours worked; and the degree of organisational and personal commitment shown by the graduates. As such, whilst most graduates tended to look for a good work life balance, their desire for long term career progression tended to lead them to work increasingly long hours in an effort to progress earlier. However, this tendency led to a worsening relationship between the graduates’ perceptions of work, which ultimately acted to harm the psychological contract. As such, Sturges and Guest (2004) argue that organisations need to introduce policies and practices designed to promote a healthy work life balance, showing support for their employees’ lives outside of the workplace , in order to avoid any negative impacts on performance. In addition to this, Sutton and Griffin (2004) argued that the degree to which employees’ expectations prior to starting work were supported by their experiences in the job had a significant impact on their perceptions of their work life balance and the psychological contract. This argument was assessed through a longitudinal study of 235 occupational therapy students who were about to start work, and compared with their views 14 months later. The results showed that if their experiences of work after entering a job were not consistent with their expectations, the employees were more likely to perceive psychological contract violations, and hence lower job satisfaction. In particular, the expectations around work life balance were found to be driven by the recruitment and selection process (Sutton and Griffin, 2004). This indicates that policies aimed at improving work life balance need to take account of, and control, employee expectations at the recruitment stage in order to be effective. Unfortunately, as before, the narrow nature of this study, which only examines one occupation, makes it of limited relevance to the case of Toys R Us. Another factor found to be relevant to the psychological contract, and violations of the contract, is employee personality. Raja et al (2004) carried out a survey of personality types and responses to the psychological contract, finding that personality characteristics such as extraversion, neuroticism and self-esteem were all related to employee perceptions of the psychological contract. In addition, personality characteristics tended to predict employee perceptions of breaches of the contract, as well as when these breaches were perceived as violations. This indicates that, when designing policies, organisations need to pay attention to employee personality characteristics, and their potential impact on the psychological contract. In addition, when considering the nature of the psychological contract, it is important to realise that the contract is a dynamic thing, which can grow and develop over time. As such, organisations need to consider the need to display a level of commitment to shared values, as well as the welfare of their employees, if they are to develop the contract and the level of organisational commitment shown by the employees. Indeed, Barnett and Schubert (2002) claim that a developing psychological contract and employment relationship can have significant benefits for employees and employers alike. Their survey of 194 employees working in a large retail organisation showed that employees valued their employers having strong principles, and showing concern around their employees’ welfare. This indicates that these are key factors to be considered when developing policies and practices aimed at strengthening the psychological contract. Further research in the retail sector comes from DAnnunzio-Green and Francis (2005), who examined how managers’ view of an emotion management leadership programme acted on their perceptions of the psychological contract. The results of this study indicated that the programme led to a shift in perceptions away from a transactional psychological contract, and towards a relational one. This in turn influenced managers’ perceptions around what the organisation’s expectations of them were, as well as what the organisation offered them in return. This effectively led to the construction of a new, ‘trial’ psychological contract, where managers agreed to believe that the leadership programme would create a more favourable work environment, both for the managers and their subordinates. The managers then internalised and tested the contract to determine whether the organisation’s actions lived up to the promises contained in said contract. This indicate s that organisations need to be sure that any new policies enacted do not create unrealistic expectations, as then any benefits from the policies will be undone by the resulting breaches of the trial psychological contract created by the policies (DAnnunzio-Green and Francis, 2005). Finally, Porter et al (1998) carried out a significant study into the extent to which these perceptual gaps between the promises of the contract and the actual behaviour of the organisation had significant explanatory power over and above measures such as employee satisfaction. This was based on a study of 48 executives and 339 employees over four organisations, in an attempt to determine the promises made to the employees, the employees’ perceptions of these promises, and the employee’s perceptions of the actual benefits provided. This showed that the larger the gap between the perceptions of the promises and the perceptions of the actual benefits, the lower the level of employees’ overall satisfaction with the organisation. This effect was found to be significant even after considering factors such as employee satisfaction with their job and their performance. As such, it appears that employee perceptions of organisational promises can have a more significant e ffect than many other factors, including the nature of the employee’s role and their performance within the organisation (Porter et al, 1998). References Barnett, T. and Schubert, E. (2002) Perceptions of the Ethical Work Climate and Covenantal Relationships. Journal of Business Ethics; Vol. 36, Issue 3, p. 279-290. Conway, E. and Monks, K. (2008) HR practices and commitment to change: an employee-level analysis. Human Resource Management Journal; Vol. 18, Issue 1, p. 72-89. DAnnunzio-Green, N. and Francis, H. (2005) Human Resource Development and the Psychological Contract: Great Expectations or False Hopes? Human Resource Development International; Vol. 8, Issue 3, p. 327-344. De Cuyper, N. and De Witte, H. (2006) The impact of job insecurity and contract type on attitudes, well-being and behavioural reports: A psychological contract perspective. Journal of Occupational Organizational Psychology; Vol. 79, Issue 3, p. 395-409. Ellis, J. B. (2007) Psychological Contracts Does Work Status Affect Perceptions of Making and Keeping Promises? Management Communication Quarterly; Vol. 20, Issue 4, p. 335-362. George, E. (2003) External Solutions and Internal Problems: The Effects of Employment Externalization on Internal Workers Attitudes. Organization Science; Vol. 14, Issue 4, p. 386-402. Management Research News (2007) Understanding the psychological contract: a direction for the future. Management Research News; Vol. 30, Issue 6, p. 432-440. Porter, L. W. Pearce, J. L. Tripoli, A. M. and Lewis, K. M. (1998) Differential perceptions of employers inducements: implications for psychological contracts. Journal of Organizational Behavior; Vol. 19, p. 769-782. Raja, U. Johns, G. and Ntalianis, F. (2004) The Impact Of Personality On Psychological Contracts. Academy of Management Journal; Vol. 47, Issue 3, p. 350-367. Sturges, J. and Guest, D. (2008) Working to live or living to work? Work/life balance early in the career. Human Resource Management Journal; 2004, Vol. 14 Issue 4, p5-20. Sutton, G. and Griffin, M. A. (2004) Integrating expectations, experiences, and psychological contract violations: A longitudinal study of new professionals. Journal of Occupational Organizational Psychology; Vol. 77, Issue 4, p. 493-514. Watson, B. (2001) Report: A New Deal? Understanding the Psychological Contract. Public Money Management; Vol. 21, Issue 3, p. 57.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Importance Of Manpower Planning In Holiday Inn Hotel Commerce Essay

Importance Of Manpower Planning In Holiday Inn Hotel Commerce Essay Planning not only includes obtaining right person at right place but it also comprises of motivational programmes such as incentive plans for active participation of employees and certain other schemes and facilities which are integral part of a staffing function. The training and development of workforce that leads to co-operation and better human relations with which the Human Relation can be developed and stabilize through effective control, clear communication and effective supervision. Where there is a maximum utilization of resources there is increase in productivity level and the higher productivity leads result to minimum wastage of time, money and efforts and this is possible through activities such as training and development, remuneration and performance appraisal. It is an important element in the present industrialization where large scale industries requires management of large scale manpower and this could be effectively done with the help of staffing function. Staffin g is the key to all managerial functions and Human resources help in implementation of all major four functions which are known as planning, organizing, directing and controlling. It is considered to be a two phase process because it not only analyses the current human resources but it also makes a future forecast and helps to draw employment opportunity. Manpower is advantageous to this hotel in different aspects such as Helps in growth and diversification Shortages and surpluses can be identified so that quick action can be taken Avoids overstaffing and reduces labour costs as excess staff can be eliminated Based on manpower planning recruitments and selection process would take place Helps in stabilizing the organization with the help of manpower management Helps in identifying the skills of the employees and provide appropriate training to develop and utilize those skills and talent. Labour Market Strategy in Holiday Inn Holiday Inn addresses the challenges with respect to what to deliver to stakeholders over a time frame of 5-10 years and lead the thinking of providing information and direction regarding overall labour market dynamics. It has pathways to develop and create sustainable growth and prosperity. For development it requires retention, provincial economic sustainability, attraction of highly skilled and educated labour force. A strong system of communication that brings people together to ensure that public and private institutions spend time and money wisely and the goal of the labour market strategy are like High level participation in high quality and diversified employment Highly skilled workforce High quality and productive workplaces Incremental change on existing knowledge and skills Ref: B. External factors The macro-environmental or external factors of a Holiday Inn Hotel can be identified by using PEST analysis which is Political, Economic, Social and Technology. Political factors: This factor mainly deals with the government policies and procedures which is worked out through legislation and consists of all legal factors such as How stable is the political environment? Government position on market ethics Government view on culture and religion Government policy on Economy Taxation policy on tax rates and incentives These are some of the political factors that include legal issues, government implementations and define both the formal and informal rules under which the organization must be operated. Economic factor: Each and every organization is affected with national and global economic factors such as Cost of labour Interest and Inflation rates Economic growth rates Business cycle stage (e.g. recession, recovery) Unemployment rates Socio-cultural factor: It includes the cultural and demographic aspects of the external macro environment. The potential of the employees who come from different back grounds and work together in the hotel and customer trends and aspect which the hotel has to consider as per their needs and wants such as Change in lifestyles Level of education Value in society Demographics (age, sex, race etc.,) Change in consumer needs and wants Technological factor: This factor is the major driver of globalization which reduces the minimum efficient of production levels and some of the technological factors are Recent technological developments Rate of technology changes Alternative way of providing services New discoveries Communication technology The technology has now become the most important aspect in any hotel as when the customers are mostly delighted and satisfied with service including latest technology that is available in the hotel. 1. Manpower Demand Factors There are several factors that are considered which created a requirement of manpower in Holiday Inn and are related to economic cycle such as like adaption of new Technology, a new demand either by increasing the productivity or by creating new goods especially in hotel industry. By adopting machines like coffee machines which are used to prepare quick coffee to the customers and ovens, refrigerators, coolers air conditioners which are used in kitchen for the quality production of food and wifi a free use of internet mobility for the customer and heaters which make the customers warm and comfortable. This adoption has made new kind of requirement of employees who could operate it correctly, quickly and maintain. The other factor is changing in Skill requirements where staff needs to perform different task by provided training and make them indulge with their job which is necessary to focus or they would lose the interest of doing the same activity and would probably look after the other job by changing the organization which results in labour turnover. By changing in skill requirements it has made the change in manpower planning by recruiting people from different backgrounds and training them in different departments and fields where they can have the overall control in different situations and skills to perform the service effectively and can have job satisfaction. The Productivity improvements is another factor which has created a demand for manpower in Holiday Inn which measures the productivity based on the number of task performed or the service that is provided to the customers in any given time of period. This measure includes a comparison of the service provided to established company or the customer quality standards. To measure the productivity improvements the time sheet has been maintained to indicate the time taken to complete particular task and look at the minimal customization of the quantity of work, for example the number of calls received per day, the number of queries handled, the number of customer served and many more which will be used as a measure. The hotel has also considered Expansion plans as the factor of demand for the manpower which needs skilled and efficient labour to give good start by providing effective and quality service. The diversity of hotel management is greater which involves combination of variety skills such as food and beverage, management, housekeeping services, accounting, sales and marketing, front office operation. While expansion the main aim of the organization is to maintain their position, service and quality standards in order to compete in the current market and the utmost importance is given to the employees, the skills and efficiency to achieve the organizational goals. Ref: 2. Labour turn over As per Holiday Inn, the labour turnover determines the rate of recruitment. In the year 2008 the total number of leavers during the year is 120, the total number of employed at the beginning of year is 400 and at the end number of employed is 430. This can be measured as Number of Leavers / Average number of employers ÃÆ'- 100 i.e., 120 / 415 ÃÆ'- 100 = 29%, during the period there was a major change in employment level as the percentage does not measure the essential relationship between recruitment and labour turnover. There are several categories that cause attrition like death, retirement, migration, occupation mobility. Though there are many ways to find out the labour turnover but stability can be measured by indicating effects of policy change in the external labour market. The percentage of labour turnover can hide areas of stability within the target population. The 100% labour turnover may be produced by 400% labour turnover of a quarter of the target population. The labo ur turnover is considered based on the different market conditions. 3.Supply and Demand The supply and demand of the labour can be ensured with the help of the manpower planning that matches the overall business strategy and plan. Demand which is a process of analyzing, reviewing and attempting to achieve the organizational objectives and supply is necessary action taken to ensure that labour is available when ever required. These two factors are similar and go hand to hand when increase both increases and when decrease both decreases. The manager should have to consider both the factors demand and supply where to meet the demand like seasonal times during Christmas and summer holidays where the demand will be too high there should also be sufficient supply of staff. The main source could be the internal employees where the demand can be fulfilled by the human resource by promoting the internal employees in different departments apart some external labour should also be considered like fresh graduates from schools and colleges and when there is decrease in demand during non seasonal periods the internal labour will be too high, so the managers will be reducing the supply measures by retirement, resignations and voluntary scheme of retirements and if again demand increases then same procedure of hiring new employees and promoting internal staff. The manager keeps balance both the demand and supply. Ref: Human Resource management: Theory Practice by John Bratton, Jeffrey Gold 4.Work Arrangements: Once the employee is been recruited in an organization then it is the responsibility of the employer to look after the working conditions and provide proper basic and safety facilities to the employees. To provide such arrangements there are certain things that needs to be focused like Work Environment: The employer should consider the proper work environment to the employees where they will be able to work efficiently like Lights, Heaters, Elevators, Proper floor maintenance and emergency exits in case of emergency and proper equipment to work with. Safety arrangements: The employees should also be taken care with health and safety were they should be provided with insurance facilities and keeping danger equipments away and in restricted areas and see that no employee would get harm while working and also provide first aid facility on every floor. Rewards and Recognition: In Holiday Inn every year there will be best employee and best organizer will be rewarded apart from that the hotel should also come up with certain different ideas of nominating people which will inspire them to work harder and smarter. Leave compensation : The Hotel has also provided proper compensation to the employees not only paying overtime allowance but also by approving leaves of employees at constant period which helps in increasing efficiency and motivates employees to work for long term. Ref: Human resource management in the hospitality Tourism Industry. TASK 2 Recruitment and employment: : Legislation Implication Application Race Relation 1976 act Sex Discrimination 1986 act Disability Discrimination 1995 act Equal pay 1970 act Directly or indirectly it makes unlawful to discriminate against a person on grounds of ethnic, nationality, origin or colour. It covers all non contractual areas where it is unlawful to discriminate on the grounds of marital status or sex The act makes it unlawful if a disabled person is treated as less favorably because of his / her disability. The right states all the men and women, part time and full timers will be paid equal for doing the similar work. In organization once the employee is being recruited he / she cannot be distinguished or categorized in different departments based on their nationality, ethnic or colour In any organization men or women all are equal in the eyes of law and will be violated if the people are categorized in different segments based on their sex or marital status In organization based on skills and required department any person will not be discriminated based on his/ her disability. In Holiday Inn this rule is applicable to all the people who work probably same however it does not include basic wages and salaries to the contract employees, overtime, vouchers, sick pay schemes are not being indulged. Ref: Statutory Provisions: The Holiday Inn has implemented health and safety act for the protection of the employees like Legislation Implication Application Health and safety act 1974 Management of health and safety at work regulation act 1999 Work Place regulation 1992 act ( Health, safety and welfare) RIDDOR act 1995 This act secures health, safety and welfare of the employees at work premises It implies for employers to assess and manage risk to employees and others arising from work activities It is applicable to the workplace environment and ensures it is safe and suitable to carry the task and doesnà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢t present risk to employee and others. It is reporting of injuries, disease and dangerous occurrences regulation It is applicable to all the people who work in the hotel and provides safe access and maintenance with proper storage and safe handling of dangerous substances and also providing training to staff to ensure the health and safety. There are proper arrangements being made to ensure the health and safety of the employees at work place by making proper arrangements for emergencies, training to employees and providing adequate information for health surveillance where appropriate It is to ensure the work place is safe to carry on the task like ventilation, lightning, sanitary conveniences, escalators and moving walkways, work station and seating, temperature in indoor workplaces, drinking water, room dimensions and work space, drinking water and facilities to change clothes, rest and eat meals. The employers and people in control premises need to report major injuries, dangerous occurrence or any work related deaths to incident contact centre or via online. Ref: Code of Practice: Legislation Application Implication Employment act 1996 Employment relation 1999 act Disciplinary policy and practice. Handling Record Keeping This law states that an employer cannot dismiss an employee on certain basis. This law ensures the Disciplinary and grievance, leave for family and domestic reasons, trade unions and other rights of an individual. This process is instructed on two main areas conduct due to lack in performance and capability which is failure to follow the hotel instruction and procedures. It is where all the employers have to support and train to carry out disciplinary meetings with their team. If any employee refuse to prevent the risk of health and safety at work or refuse to return to workplace which is believed to be dangerous workplace for an employee to work then the employer cannot dismiss the employee. It is a right of an employee to get accompanied and can complaint to employment tribunal which also includes interpretation. This law is also applicable to entitle of leaves during domestic incidents, maternity or parental leave and consequent amendments. The other rights would be like part time work discrimination, code of practice, unfair dismissal, and training to employees. In certain cases the employer may encounter difficulties with the performance of the employees due to illness or mental stress. At such instances the manager has to show more support and deal it properly if no alternative is left then have to approach formal capability procedure. If the employee is not following the procedures like being late to hotel all the time or fail to follow the management instruction the employer should have to follow ACAS code i.e. first sending warning letter and conducting meeting and appealing. It is unlawful if any of the employees do leak the confidential data of the customers in the hotel. The employees should have to consider the confidentiality of the data and may be dismissed if violated the rule. Ref: Organisation: Legislation Application Implication National Minimum wage act 1999 Paid Leaves entitled to the employees This law is applicable to all the people who work in United Kingdom It is where the employees will The legal way of paying the minimum wage to an employee is what called as NMW which an employer should pay at least on hourly basis and then it is calculated on arrears.

Abortion: A Woman Has the Right to Choose Essay -- Argumentative Essay,

As a man, I often struggle with the thought of being able to tell a woman what she can or can not do with her body. While I may not be fond of her hairstyle, make-up, or the revealing nature of her outfit, I understand it is her body and her decision to do with it as she would see fitting. However, while I let a women express her personal freedoms to choose, there are those that view the exact opposite. The United States was founded upon the principles that everyone is guaranteed the â€Å"certain unalienable rights†¦ of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness† according to the Declaration of Independence (1776). Consequently, by establishing laws that hinder a woman’s innate ability to select how she can and will live her life, we impede her opportunity to be a recipient of the rights that many men and women risk their lives for. Parenting is regarded as one of the most arduous jobs in the world. There is no instruction manual on how to educate, nurture, or r ear children, as each child is different from the next. Furthermore, it is a job in which you will always be on duty, there are no vacation or sick days, and you never get paid. Not only do women endure the child rearing part, often times alone, they must also provide and maintain a steady and financial home since they are responsible for a life that can not yet function viably as an adult. Lamentably, it is due to the demands of raising children that some women choose, since they feel they are not ready, to not become a mother. Although abortion is seen as the termination of a young life, it is ultimately the choice of the woman, not the government or the opinion of society to decide whether or not a woman can choose abortion as an alternative to pregnancy. An abortion is t... ...he feudal lifestyle where women were the homemakers and men were financial providers for the families. Women are now more independent and finically able to care for themselves and their families should they choose to have one. However, it is all dependant upon their choice, which is how it should be. Works Cited Anderson, K. (2001). Wartime Women: Sex Roles, Family Relations, and the Status of Women During World War II. Berkley Books, New York. Benson, L.D. (2000). The Wife of Bath‘s Tale. Retrieved from Harvard University: Honey, M. (1983). â€Å"The Working-Class Woman and Recruitment Propaganda during World War II: Class Differences in the Portrayal of War Work† Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 8 (4). 672-687. University of Chicago Press: Chicago. Retrieved from

Friday, July 19, 2019

William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Essay -- William Shakespeare Ro

William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet Although the story of Romeo and Juliet is over 500 years old, it is as relevant and appealing today as it was when first performed. Although dated, the story of Romeo and Juliet still holds great appeal and relevance to today’s society, despite the differences in morals and values between William Shakespeare’s audience 500 years ago, and Baz Luhrmann’s audience today. The arising issues of order and authority, fate and love entertain/ed and appeals/ed to both viewers in different ways. Shakespeare’s original play, Romeo and Juliet reflected the important Elizabethan concerns in relation to authority, law and order, making it relevant to the audiences’ morals and values of the time, as well appealing and entertaining. Shakespeare explored the consequences of order breaking down in society, demonstrated through many characters’ disobediences, with the result of chaos and ultimate consequence being the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. All characters were disobedient in some way, including Romeo and Juliet themselves. For instance, they both deceived their parents by getting married, Romeo killed Tybalt and Juliet faked death. Other characters, such as Tybalt, Mercutio, Montague and Capulet boys, went against the orders of the Prince by continuing violent actions in the city of Verona. The Friar and the Nurse are also guilty because they aided the young lovers’ immoderate actions - their meetings and marriage. Shakespeare offers the simple solution to this chaos as being obedient by respecting authority, law and order, being responsible with power as well as to be punished for their sins. This punishment is ultimately seen at the end of the play following the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. All characters have been hurt by this, hence being punished for their disobediences; â€Å"All are punished!† – the Prince. In this sense, Shakespeare’s play sets morals for the Elizabethan era, displaying the results of disobedience, violence and chaos. Luhrmann’s modern appropriation of the play also deals with authority, law and order, however instead of setting morals and offering solutions, it is relevant in that it displays a different viewpoint on modern society. He displays the world as being hectic and very fast, focused mainly on wealth and power, having lost sight of true values such as love, compassion and moral t... ... continuous, but particularly apparent in the use of water as a symbol of purity and harmony. During the ‘balcony’ scene, the water plays a major role in the connection between the lovers. It is a symbol of their unity and reciprocated love. This symbol of peace and harmony is then tainted by the death of Tybalt as he falls into a pond after being killed by Romeo. This scene also uses sequences of flashbacks to Romeo and Juliet in the pool, memories of the purity and cleanliness of Romeo’s conscience. It is then non-existent in the scenes of Romeo in the very dry, baron landscapes of Mantua. This symbolises the loss of his true love, and also any peace and harmony he knew before being banished. Other romantic symbolism in the film includes the extreme close-up shots of Romeo and Juliet when they are together, for example, in the tomb, repeated shots of the wedding ring – a physical symbol of their love. Together, Shakespeare’s original play and Baz Luhrmann’s modern appropriation is a relevant and appealing insight into the Elizabethan era as well as modern society. By comparing the two, it is made obvious the changes and differences in morals and values over 500 years.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Lampara Multi-Purpose Cooperative (LMPC) Essay

I. INTRODUCTION: Lampara Multi-Purpose Cooperative (LMPC), registered with the Cooperative Development Authority on June 12, 2007 with Registration No. D-623-6240 has been organized to help people maximize their potentials to live a healthy, productive life and in the process become responsible members of Society. LMPC educates its members to earn and save the cooperative way. LMPC has recently sourced out an exclusive Systems Provider for healthy, nutritious and highly oxygenized Anti-Oxidant Pi Water originally researched and developed in Japan and enhanced in Korea. This newly structured Pi Water Systems Provider has upgraded its Pi Water System with US-made 16-stages Synergy machine that makes the Pi water an anti-oxidant water and with the German Technology oxygen-generating machine developed by the Department of Science and Technology. The Pi water produced by the system has been tested to have an even higher effect than any of the Pi Waters introduced in the Philippines to date due to its unique qualities and characteristics presented below. LMPC is now ready to distribute domestically and internationally the AQUAPORIN PI WATER SYSTEM equipped with the latest technology in Pi Water System. The investors in the Aquaporin Anti-Oxidant Pi Water Refilling Station will be assured of a profitable, unique, and healthy business venture. II. QUALITIES OF THE AQUAPORIN PI WATER: Aquaporin Pi Water has been synergized by the Bio-Nano technology to produce an even reduced water molecule clusters for greater absorption and interaction by the cells of the body, higher water-based mineral contents because of its mineral enhancer cartridge that produces a stable alkaline water with pH 7.8 on the meter, greater energy enhanced by its far infrared cartridges and higher oxygen content with its DOST-developed oxygen generating machine. It has been further powered by a Synergy machine that makes the water an anti-oxidant water. These qualities of the Aquaporin Pi Water will ensure that the water we drink is healthy, nutritious, energized and contains higher level of oxygen like no other. III. ADVANTAGES OF PURCHASING AN AQUAPORIN ANTIOXIDANT PI WATER REFILLING STATION: 1. The Aquaporin Antioxidant Pi Water Refilling System aims to optimize return of investment employing the marketing strategies adopted by LMPC. Once established, the Aquaporin Pi Water Refilling Station (APWRS) becomes a branch of LMPC to serve as the center of operation and marketing service for its members. Page 1 2. The Systems’ flagship (Aquaporin Antioxidant Pi Water’s) characteristics are: 3.1 It has the most minimal piping problems with 50 years warranty on parts. The materials used are guaranteed to survive ageing, cracking, breakage from pressure and bumps, and many more; 2.2 It employs commercial filtration and machineries in processing alkaline, mineralized and Synergized Bio-Nano Pi Waters that is capable of producing an anti-oxidant water; 2.3 It incorporates the latest technology called OPS or Oxygen Processing System that was  Department of Science and Technology (DOST) tested to have high beneficial health effect; 2.4 Its system-parts passed all standards for safe-drinking water; 2.5 Each system installed is registered in the Bureau of Health Devices and Technology (BHDT) of the Department of Health for system certification and validation of quality and functionality; 2.6 The system produces super fine water because of its nano-tech filters that renders water clusters smaller and full of energy; 2.7 The systems use the highest quality materials to ascertain quality production; 2.8 All system parts are brand new. Not a single part is reconditioned or second hand. These parts are not available cheap unless reconditioned. Beware of companies that offer very cheap systems; 2.9 System parts and labor has ONE (1) YEAR WARRANTY 2.10 Special technologies applied are exclusive and are not available in other systems; 2.11 The Aquaporin Pi Water business put up by the investor is not just a profit entity, rather, its business is banking on a mission to help share better health and MAKE A DIFFERENCE in the lives of people. 2.11 When the investor decides to put up the Aquaporin Anti-Oxidant Pi Water Refilling Station he is practically creating a niche in the market resolving any potential direct competition. 2 We offer maximum training of business standardization and operations to make sure that the Aquaporin Anti-Oxidant Pi Water Refilling Station (AAPWRS) owners are well equipped to operate, manage and run his business like a professional water refilling station operator. 3 Investor may opt to make his AAP Water Refilling Station fully automated and computerized with a minimal additional cost (see Feasibility Study/ROI attached); 4 The Systems Provider of APPWRS is composed of a team of professional engineers and exclusive contractors whose expertise comes from years of water treatment experiences aimed to GUARANTEE quality products, services and installations. IV. SERVICES TO ASSURE INVESTORS OF A â€Å"PROFITABLE, UNIQUE AND HEALTHY BUSINESS VENTURE†: 1. Consultancy and Planning (1 month Management Program) 1.1 Conduct a research and feasibility of the business in the specified area of operation; 2.2 Assist in the design of the Station renovation, engineering specifications, like floor plan, electrical plan, appearance and imaging, etc.; 2.3 Assist in business registrations, legal documentations of the company and accounting services; Page 2 2.4 Assist in the design of business concepts, logo, marketing materials, advertisements and other business forms; 2.5 Manage and teach the business for one month to make sure that all systems go smoothly and correctly. 2. Standardization: 2.1 Documentation of business operations; 3.6 Forms and compliances 3.7 Business software and programming 3. Training: 3.1 Technical training – operation of the system, maintenance, basic trouble Shooting proper handling of waters, etc.; 4.8 High standard operations and qality management 4.9 Basic bookkeeping, accounting and compliances 4.10 Sales and marketing strategies and operations 4.11 Quality assurance management 4.12 Manpower and hiring 4.13 Quality servicing and customer services management 4. 24/7 on-line helpdesk and assistance. V. APPWRS will be the LMPC BRANCHES AND SATELLITE OFFICES: The Aquaporin Anti-Oxidant Pi Water Station (APPWRS) shall become LMPC’s branches and/or satellite offices in the area. Only one (1) APPWRS will be established in a Municipality &/or District in big cities and Provinces. The LMPC program with its diversified sources of livelihood that are synergistically integrated to achieve a healthy, productive and responsible members of Society using the cooperative system of relationship will be implemented in all the areas of operation of APPWRS. VI. AQUAPORIN ANTI-OXIDANT PI-WATER SYSTEM COMPONENT: 1. The 3-in-1 Pi Filtration System – the complete Commercial Pi-producing Water System fully automated and computerized * Production machineries (cartridges and filters) to yield three (3) types of waters: (details of these machineries will be presented and discussed during the business meeting/s prior to signing of contract) * Oxygenated Ultra Fine Mineral Water * Oxygenated UF Sterilized Alkaline Synergized Water * Oxygenated UF Sterilized Bio-Nano Alkaline Antioxidant concentrated (Oz3) synergized Water. * High-end, Long-lasting Piping System * Initial Bottle Inventory Page 3 * Station Filling Equipment * Station Signage * 3-monthMaintenance Inventory * 1-month business management program * Down Payment for the cost of 1 unit of van for delivery. * Assistance in all aspects of services defined in Item IV. * Fully Automated filter-change indicator and computerized cleaning system * And many more . . . 2. 3-in-1 Pi Filtration System – the Standard Commercial Computerized Pi-producing Water System. * Production machineries (cartridges and filters) to yield three (3) types of waters: (details of these machineries will be presented and discussed during the business meeting/s prior to signing of contract) * Oxygenated Ultra Fine Mineral Water * Oxygenated UF Sterilized Alkaline Synergized Water * Oxygenated UF Sterilized Bio-Nano Alkaline Antioxidant concentrated (Oz3) synergized Water. * Fully Automated filter-change indicator * High-end, Long-lasting Piping System * Initial Bottle Inventory * Station Filling Equipment * Station Signage * 3-monthMaintenance Inventory * 1-month business management program * Down Payment for the cost of 1 unit of FB van for delivery. * Assistance in all aspects of services defined in Item IV. * And many more . . . 3. Basic Home Pi Filtration System which may be used for personal and home  purposes producing 2 types of waters (details to be presented and discussed during the business meeting/s prior to signing of contract for the APWRS) – this Personal Unit Aquaporin Pi Water System will exclusively be distributed by the APWRS. * Production machineries (cartridges and filters) to yield two (2) types of waters: * Super Fine Mineral Water * Highly Oxygenized UF Sterilized Alkaline Synergized Pi Water * High-end, Long-lasting Piping System * Assistance in all aspects of services defined in Item IV. Page 4 * 24/7 on-line helpdesk and assistance * Basic Pi Filtration System owners may opt to become satellite servicing office for LMPC * And many more . . . VII. PRICES 1. Aquaporin Antioxidant Pi Water Refilling Station with the 3-in-1 Complete Fully Automated and Computerized commercial Pi Filtration System with components described in Item VI-1 and services stated in Item V, costs ONE MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND PESOS (P1,750,000.00) only, exclusive of site/location renovation/construction and 12% VAT. 2. Aquaporin Antioxidant Water Refilling Station with the 3-in-1 Pi Filtration standard commercial Pi-producing Water System with components described in Item VI-2 and services stated in Item V, costs ONE MILLION SIX HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND PESOS (P1,650,000.00) only; 3. Aquaporin Basic Home Pi Filtration System for personal or home use with the 2-in-1 Pi Filtration System and with components described in VI-2 would cost ONE HUNDRED TWENTY THOUSAND PESOS (P120,000.00). VIII. INSTALLATION: 1. Investor must have signed the Memorandum of Agreement for the Installation of the machines at the site or location of the business and payment of at least THIRTY PERCENT (30%) of the total contract price; 2. Water sample taken from the site/location of the Station must be submitted for analysis and potability; 3. Prior to installation, the site/location of the Station would have been inspected by an engineer from the Systems Provider. 4. One (1) week before the date of Installation, additional TWENTY PERCENT (20%) of total contract price must be remitted to LMPC, another TWENTY PERCENT (20%) upon installation and full payment within one (1) month after installation. 5. Faà §ade of the Aquaporin Antioxidant Pi Water Refilling Station must conform with standard appearance prescribed by the Systems provider.

Office Management Essay

According to Npower (Business Case Studies) often these decisions be administrative in genius and eject be implemented speedily and tend to harbour a weensy risk and argon smaller scale, scarcely are never the less principal(prenominal) choices that people redeem to annoy to adjoin their role. Strategic Decision Implementing that laptops are to be mapd by partners while taboo of the federal agency would be a strategical decision. thither are lots of problems with the partners creation expose of the spot and with the use of laptops as colloquy tools this will provide a direct link surrounded by the stake cater and the partners.I believe that this is a strategic decision as with the pay externalizening and overseeing the development this could really be a step forward for unequivocal Interiors because move net be exchange between partners and the built in bed and messages flowerpot be passed on effectively meaning that in that respect wont be a build-up of fail or office stave with no work and communication between e genuinely angiotensin converting enzyme will be made a lot easier. running(a) Decision Stipulating a lunch duration for each rung member would be an organisational decision. The current schema for lunch quantify is non snug as the employees bum ab go forth to decide when they go as long as one of them is in the office.I believe this is an in operation(p) decision because if affects the day to day runnel of the organisation. If the administrators were set a lunch second each they would have to stick to it and get used to working alongside the time set. Role of Office Manager Operational provision Process As the office knowr my role in establishing a impertinently routine for lunch hour would be to organise a conflict to communicate the proposed changes with administrators and gain their views. Then I would create a plan to vex forward to the administrators and partners.When a decision has been reached a nd the new plan is put into action I would have to oversee the progress of the plan gathering feedback at every opportunity. Issues There is increased frustration between partners and administrators refer satisfactory to the partners carrying out trade union movement they believe the administrators could be doing which would free up more time for the partners. The solution to this would be to for all administrators to be admited how to use the specialist midland design software, this would enable them to alleviate the work load from the partners and smell out more touch in the design side of their work.This would probably be time consuming to train the administrators but the overall outcome would be beneficial to the company. The relationship between partners and the administrators is low-down due to the partners macrocosm out of the office as communication is often via suddenly telephone messages and emails which has led to information being mis-communicated. The solution would be to introduce the use of PDAs (Personal digital Assistants) for partners to be able to communicate with administrators.This would enable the administrators to converge the partners if a problem arises while carrying out work so that no mistakes are made and also they would be able to check their diaries to make appointments without the chance of twice booking. Instant messaging could also assistant with communication as they are authentic instantly and foot be replied to in seconds. pecuniary Planning and Budgetary nurse Financial Planning According to Jim Priebe (ehow) A pecuniary plan is like a blue print. It is a description of what you involve to achieve and the tools you pauperization to achieve it.Financial planning is the treat of asking questions to stop that you manage your risk against unexpected regularts. Managers take aim to be able to exercise jibe over the organisation that they manage to make sure that financial plans are being achieved both for the long term and the suddenly term. Benefits of financial planning are 1 Reducing the risk of a financial crisis. 2 Allows you to understand how each financial decision made affects other areas of finance. Barriers of financial planning are 1 It can be time consuming 2 Can be costly as will involve accountants. Budgetary reignBudgetary escort is precise control of an organisations operations through establishment of standards and targets concerning income and expenditure. unvarying monitoring is required to be effective. Benefits of budgetary control are 1 Coordinates activities crossways departments. 2 Provides a record of organisational activities. Barriers of budgetary control are 1 Budgets can de locomote staff. 2 May cause ambition for resources. Effective commission Delegation is the statistical distribution of tasks by the office manager. Giving responsibilities to employees to carry out the work but the work will remain liable to the office manager.When commiss ioning is carried out properly very good results and high productivity can be achieved. The Process of Delegation Delegation can be very difficult. The process of delegation is 1 Define the task 2 Select the Individual 3 Explain what must be achieved (clear instructions) 4 Discuss requirement to completion 5 Agree a deadline 6 Be there for support 7 of all time give feedback Benefits Time management would be a benefit of delegation as this would allow partners to delegate work so that they have a more tame work load.Delegating tasks will motivate staff and increase productivity. Barriers Forcing someone to do a task that they dont want to or are not capable of would be a rampart, this can be seen in the case line of business when Izzy asked one of the administrators to just watch over what had been make before. This lead to the administrator getting upturned and Izzy feeling unable to approach anyone else. This could have been avoided by management setting out a procedure for staff to follow and allocating the task to someone suitable.Confusion somewhat who is ultimately amenable for tasks is a barrier to effective delegation, this can be seen in the case study as partners are frustrated because they believe that administration is responsible for some of their tasks. This can be right by training administrators to make the delegation process easier. leaders Models I esteem Tomi uses democratic leadership. As Tomi involves the staff in the decision making process of contact times and encouraged staff to stick out their opinions which made the administrators feel like what they verbalize mattered.I believe Izzi uses magisterial Leadership. When Izzi was in charge she would decide the times of meetings even when it was inconvenient to the others meaning work started to underpin which she then thought they could not manage and devised a new procedure which is impossible but Izzi cannot see this. Staff line up it difficult to communicate with her . Autocratic Leadership works where there is no need for input on the decisions and antiauthoritarian leadership works when a leader seeks attend to and guidance from staff to make decisions. egalitarian leadership The impact of this leadership bolt is that it gives staff a voice and they are able to communicate better with management. Democratic leadership style encourages better cooperation and motivates staff because they feel well informed in everything that affects their work. Autocratic Leadership The impact of this leadership style is that it fails to motivate staff and they feel forced to do things managements way although It is not always the best way and staff become stressed being pushed.Autocratic leadership style encourages no communication between staff and management as management make all the decisions found on what they feel is best for the organisation. References Hamel, G. (2008) What is strategic Decision Making http//smallbusiness. chron. com/strategic-decis ion-making-23782. html Npower. growing people through decision making http//businesscasestudies. co. uk/npower/developing-people-through-decision-making/tactical-decisions. html Priebe, J. What is the purpose of Financial Planning http//www. ehow. com/info_7755005_purpose-financial-plan. html